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NEW FAMILY TIES: A NEW TWISTthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1178 words)

Author: sexrat
Added: Jun 09 2002Views / Reads: 1461 / 1030 [70%]Story vote: 8.00 (1 vote)

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NEW FAMILY TIES: A NEW TWIST It's strange how life can turn on you. And how people react to those turns, take Claudia and me for example. Claudia and her husband Jake and their two twin girls Glinda and Lenda moved into the house next to my parents house when I was 14, like a lot of 14 year old boys I was entering puberty and horny all the time. I fell in lust (I thought it was love) so hard.

Claudia and Jake had gotten married real early, she was 15 and he was 18, because she got pregnant with the girls. Claudia dropped out of school and never went back, a real shame since she was really the smarter of the two.

Anyway Jake had gone on to become an electronics specialist and was a whiz with computers, both programming and maintenance. He had started to teach Claudia programming and she was far better than he was; for example, can you beat the video game REGALIS!? Didn't think so. She wrote it. The final product was delivered in one week. Which is why we are not working at anything except pleasure today

Why is this the way of the world you ask, well jake and Claudia and mom and dad got to be real chummy over the years. I found out how chummy one day when I was supposed to be babysitting the twins at their house when I went returned to get a calculus book I had forgotten. My eyes were opened.


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