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Gypsythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2402 words)

Author: Hot Lips Picture in profile
Added: Jun 14 2002Views / Reads: 874 / 637 [73%]Story vote: 9.25 (4 votes)
A romantic tale of two lovers who share one wild and passionate night together.

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Raquel was not your average looking woman. Her features came from her Bohemian ancestors who were traveling Gypsies. Most people automatically picture a dark haired beauty but Raquel was quite the opposite. Her skin was slightly olive colored as many Europeans are, but her hair was blonde and looked like spun gold. Besides her very long hair, her eyes and her lips were her most prominent features.

Her eyes sparkled with a passion that came from deep inside and her lips were plump and juicy. Raquel's height and shapely legs added to her striking features. Now Raquel did not consider herself to be beautiful, even though many people have told her she is. This innocence only added to her allure. Quite often, strangers would turn to look as she passed by. Raquel was totally unaware of the attention she was attracting.

Raquel was at a point in her life where she was feeling that something was missing. She had had many lovers, some serious relationships, some just flings. She knew what men wanted and she was very capable of bringing them to their knees with her lovemaking. Currently she was not seeing anyone and this was causing her to feel just a little lonely.

True to her Gypsy blood, Raquel was very passionate in everything she did. This passion that stirred within her soul was the driving force ...

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