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A blow in the dark...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 1037 words)

Author: RhythmicLover
Added: Jul 12 2002Views / Reads: 5436 / 0 [0%]Story vote: 8.91 (11 votes)
I went to a music festival with my wife ... little did I know the crowd would get so big and allow for things to happen without my wife knowing...

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I love summer, along with all of the warm weather and more revealing outfits come summer music festivals. There's nothing like joining thousands of strangers watching a band, and getting to see tons of bands in one evening.

My wife and I headed to one of our favorite summer fests, most people find it to be an excuse to go get drunk, but for me, I enjoy the variety of music. After spending about 6 hours wandering from stage to stage, we found the stage we were most interested in, one of my favorite blues bands was playing at the time, and later that evening some other talented groups would be on stage.

When we first got to the stage area, there was plenty of space, so we found a bench in the back, and watched the band for a while. Then, as the band was finishing their set, we moved to the front. As we did so, the crowd started to grow. Before long, the crowd had filled in pretty much every seat in the place. The concert was good, but most people were interested in the next band to play ... it was evident that it would get real crowded as people started to crowd into spaces that really weren't open and would stand until those already standing there moved an inch this way or that way to give themselves a little breathing room.

It was good that the weather was a bit cool, with all the people wedged into the seating area, there was little room to move or breathe, and ...

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