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Club Rulesthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:bondage, 6496 words)

Author: H.L. Berry Picture in profile
Added: Jul 19 2002Views / Reads: 3963 / 3198 [81%]Story vote: 9.92 (13 votes)
A return to the club from "Hanging Around". Adonis has failed to pay his dues, and the hostess extracts a heavy price. Feedback welcome as always.

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It was early evening. As the sun tracked its way slowly down, and weary commuters headed for home, the hostess was making her final preparations prior to opening the club. She issued instructions to her staff and completed some outstanding paperwork. Then she walked around the club for her usual last minute inspection, stopping for a quick word with the statuesque and muscular women guarding the entrance.

Back in her office, she locked the door and drew the blinds. Quickly she undressed, hanging her elegant business suit in a cupboard and folding her underwear neatly into a drawer. Nude, she walked across the room. Opening a second cupboard, she paused for a moment, inspecting its contents before reaching in and pulling out one of her trademark lycra bodysuits. She stepped into the form-hugging material, its shimmering black material coating her like a second skin. She reached behind her and pulled up the almost invisible zip to the top of the high neckline. The feet of the suit were fashioned into a pair of stiletto heels, negating the need for boots. She ran her hands down her body, feeling how the suit clung to every curve. Her hands lingered briefly over her breasts and pussy.

Reaching into the cupboard again, she withdrew a harness made from supple black leather. She cinched it around her waist, pulling a crotch strap between her legs to fasten at a buckle behind her. Chrome ...

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