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Hidden (part III)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2726 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Woody
Added: Jul 26 2002Views / Reads: 766 / 503 [66%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
He must find a way to get one up on his girlfreind after thier last wild experince.

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He didn't know how but he knew the he must one up her on this one. They continued to see each other for a couple of weeks and the excitment never faded. One night while watching some movies she got real hot when it showed a couple invite another lady into thier bedroom. After the scene it was all he could do to keep up with her as she drug him to her bedroom and pratically [censored] him. After a glorious round of love making she collapsed across his chest and went sound to sleep, but he stayed awake thinking about some of the events that had unfolded. The next day he asked her if she liked the movie. Blushing, she told him she did and then teased him in saying that couldn't you tell in the bed. "Have you ever done anything like that before?" "NO" she said, "but have always been excited by it." She left him there pondering that thought as she went to work. Since he was off he just lounge around that day at her apartment. After taking a shower he signed on to her computer and went to check on some of his side projects. He got curious and looked into her history and what he saw surprised him. She had visited several web sites that offered free erotic stories. Going to one of the pages he found bookmarked it was full of stories with threesomes and women getting with women for the first time. This sent his wheel into motion. The rest of the day went by in a blur, he was corresponding with a lady he had been chatting with for a little while and the two of them came up with a brilliant plan of seduction. That night he was the one who was all over her, the second she walked in the door. They had actually made love right in the foyer, she still wore the skirt and blouse she had on at work. After supper they went back ...

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