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The College Storiesthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 4316 words)

Author: Dr. Squish
Added: Jun 08 2000Views / Reads: 2253 / 1800 [80%]Story vote: 8.57 (7 votes)
This is my first attempt at writing an erotic story, so your feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am thinking of making it a series; but, I don't know if it is good enough. I would love to get any suggestions. -Dr. Squish

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I have always known that I was attracted to both women and men, it wasn't that hard for me to figure out. I mean, people in general were attractive to me, gender did not really make a difference, things like personality and intellect usually were what made me want to be romantic with someone. But I'm not going to lie to you either, sometimes you just want a good fuck, and you have to ignore the "deeper qualities" in a person for shallower ones, like a nice ass, a beautiful face, or some other superficial thing in order to really take that edge off. This was one of those times.

I had always been "the boy next door," blonde haired, blue eyed, not a complete jock, but into sports, with a well proportioned body. I had the six pack and abs that made all the girls and guys go nuts, and although I don't want to brag, I've been told that my ass wasn't that bad either, if I was wearing the right pair of shorts, or that special Speedo. My sport of choice was swimming, so I have always been lucky enough to get to see both men and women working out, half-naked and wet, and perhaps that's where my bisexual attraction comes from. Its probably also where I got my swimmer's body from. Although I was always attracted to both men and women, but it wasn't really until my freshman year in college that I had acted on my feelings toward men, circle jerks to heterosexual porn do not count. I came to a college that did not have a very spectacular team, and I was the "hot new recruit" for the year. I had gotten to know the team for the month before the season officially began in the fall. To be honest, I was disappointed ...

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