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Reunion Fireworksthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2485 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Falcongirl Picture in profile
Added: Sep 16 2002Views / Reads: 606 / 559 [92%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
The fireworks finally explode.

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The eighties music opened the flood gates to the memories; but when Careless Whisper by Wham played, I had to excuse myself to the bathroom. That song reached places in my soul I never knew exsisted. I had to get myself together.

I stayed in the ladies room until the song was over. As I made my way down the long corridor back to the party, I was stopped by Shelly who stood in the darkness of one of the entry-ways.

"Dr. Raelyn Martin-Jones...." She said inquizitively.

I came to a stop right before the seemingly drunk woman. She then continued as she slowly circled me, sizing me up.

"Well you sure have done quite well for yourself." Her compliment was more like an insult.

"Shelly, you look as though you're feeling good." I said

She then stopped just feet in front of me with a vengeful look.

"Feeling good? Yeah right! Do you remember what your last words to me were fifteen years ago? Well if you dont, let me refresh your memory. I think it was... What goes around, comes around. Do you remember that?"


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