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Something Differentthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 11566 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: bluedragon Picture in profile
Added: Sep 19 2002Views / Reads: 10297 / 8675 [84%]Part vote: 9.77 (22 votes)
Four coworkers, each one missing something in their own romantic relationships, come together to share their problems and find something different.

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PART 1: Passion


My favorite room in our apartment, the bedroom. I had to admit, it looked beautiful. I'd pulled out all the stops this night. I left work early, so as to have plenty of time to set up my surprise. I had strung up Christmas lights all around the ceiling and scattered two dozen candles all about the room. I'd carefully arranged the bed, propping up her stuffed animals and the heart-shaped pillow I'd bought her last Valentine's day. The pizza arrived just five minutes before she was due to come home, so it would be hot and fresh when she arrived. I'd picked up the latest Meg Ryan romantic comedy on the way home as well. She loves Meg Ryan. I changed into fresh clothes, and dabbed on some cologne.

I heard the key in the door, and took my place just inside the entry-way. She walked in, looking as haggard as ever. She was still so beautiful, but it must have been a rough day at work today.

"Hi, Kelly. Welcome home." I gave her my warmest smile, and brought out the dozen long-stem roses I'd also grabbed on the way home. She smiled sweetly, and gave me a kiss. "Thank you." ...

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