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BEDTIMEthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 5022 words)

Author: MathGirl
Added: Oct 12 2002Views / Reads: 5042 / 3159 [63%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Little Diane and her lover share an erotic ending to a love-filled day. Another episode of a young girl's introduction to love and sexuality.

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by MathGirl

Sequel to "Afternoon Delight" at EroticStories.com

Another in a series about a young girl's introduction to love and sexuality


Bedtime. It was the twenty four hour anniversary of getting my cher ........ making love for the first time, and it was about to happen again. We had made love that day, but I had a delicious feeling that this was going to be even more special.

When I had gotten up that morning, I had been so sore. I'd never even been able to get even a finger or a tampon in my vagina before, and that big, hard penis of John's had barged around in there so wonderfully the night before ........... well, no wonder I hurt.

Even though John had been afraid of hurting me even more, I had persuaded him to try it. Well, he didn't really need much persuasion, hardly any at all, because he wanted it as much as I did. We had made love gloriously twice that day. Once in an 'emergency' when we first ...

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