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Morganthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 3609 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Thall
Added: Jun 14 2000Views / Reads: 1553 / 1432 [92%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Morgan goes to the beach for fun in the sun.

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Morgan III

By Thall

"I can't swim Tony" Morgan said pouting.

"You don't have to swim, you can lay on the beach." Tony told her.

They had both windows open as they drove, the warm air rushed in, making it necessary to shout at each other.

Morgan was not thrilled with the idea, she just knew it was going to be a nightmare. There were lots of undressed people at the beach, lots of kids who coul be cruel in their observations. Morgan knew Tony just wanted to see her in the new bathing suit they had picked out. He had picked out three little triangles that wouldn't cover anything. She had wanted a one piece that covered everything, they settled on a two piece that she still felt was revealing. But the look on his face when she had modled it had made her feel delicious, so she had let him buy it for her. Now, she was a little apprehensive about wearing it in public. She just was not an exhibitionist, it was one thing for Tony, the boy she was in love with to see her, but she didn't want every Tom, Dick and Harry checking her out.

In her heart she knew Tony was not trying to embarrass her, he was just ...

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