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A Gift Horsethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 8880 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: maxicue
Added: Oct 24 2002Views / Reads: 1399 / 1072 [77%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
A demented thriller about a guy, a gal and a bar. Starts slow. Stick with it.

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I never had been all that good at anything except searching out distractions to the dull pain of my relentlessly and unpleasantly bland life. Which was nothing since distractions were plentiful and were essentially within arms reach. All it took was a flick of the switch and sound and image of the TV flamed on. Not much of a flame, though. Not like staring into the camp fire, the flames an intricate constant flow of interesting shapes and smells and light and dark spears into the night. These were residual particulate that consumed nothing but time. Dull pain is prescribed dull distractions. The phone jangled a nerve somewhere sciatic and spastic jolts got my leg muscles contracting and lifting me to the cradle where the noisy phone lay.

"Hello?" I said dully.

Silence and a click and a voice. Soliciting. It should be a crime. But it's a job instead. On the phone they don't solicit sex. It's the TV that solicits phone sex. On the phone its some money scam or other, pure and simple. You give us your name and address and access code and we'll take your money. I wish I could dam up the whole thing, but me alone was no match for the ocean of it. Just make a quick splash. I wish I could vanquish it at its source, but I was powerless alone to storm those enormous vault doors. Only create a dent maybe but more likely smash myself creating a mess of my face. There was no revenge I could be at peace with what with the poor clown at the other end stuck jostling people for their money so's to get a little more of an income. ...

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