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NIGHT SHIFT PART 5this story is part of the FanClub (ff:romantic, 4861 words) [5/6] show all parts

Author: j l hart
Added: Oct 25 2002Views / Reads: 1124 / 975 [87%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Kelli learns of changes at the radio station. Moving in with Lena has made her happier than ever before, but she wonders how she will react when meeting Lena's girlfried Rita. Again thank all of you for your votes and kind comments and your constructi

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Monday Night Shift - Part 5

Monday morning I awoke early. I was snuggled up to Lena's back with my left arm underneath her and damn there was no feeling in it at all, it was completely asleep. I didn't want to wake her so I pulled it slowly from her body and rubbed it until I had some feeling in it.

Damn I can't believe how much my life has changed just over one weekend. I had never believed in love at first sight but I love this Amazon of a woman and I hope she loves me like she said.

She was on her side with her right arm resting on her hip. I picked it up gently and looked at her long delicate fingers. The fingers that had been in me and made me feel so good. I put her hand to my mouth and sucked each of her fingers. Lena hadn't moved at all but she let out a soft moan as I continued to suck. I gazed at her face and her long dark hair splayed on her pillow. Slowly her eyes opened.

"Good morning tiger" I said.

"Morning little one. What time is it?"

I told her it was almost seven as I slipped my hand inside her pajama bottom running my hand down to her soft lush pubic hair. It is so plush feeling and I love running my fingers through it. I slid my ...

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