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He Was My Uncles Friend (part 1)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2570 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Dreamhaunter Picture in profile
Added: Nov 30 2002Views / Reads: 3196 / 2778 [87%]Part vote: 7.50 (4 votes)
She had just turned eighteen, her uncle and aunt invited her up for a summer of relaxation. Then she met Brace. He had just resently devorced..what a summer they shared.

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He Was My Uncles Friend

It was the summer I turned 18, I was spending it with my uncle and aunt in Charleston, a break form home and all my friends. A chance to decide what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, my best friend was getting married at the end of the summer, so I would have to be back in time for the wedding. The first part of the summer past fairly unadventfully, I had a date now and then but nothing truely exciting. Another weekend was coming up and my aunt and uncle was invited to go camping with their friends. But told me that I did not have to go. But the thought of getting out in the woods for a few days some how seemed like a ideal way to spend a weekend, I could work on my tan without the worry of the 15 year old neighbor boy watching my every move.

I packed lightly for the weekend, because there was not much room in my uncles camper. The place they choose to camp at was a beautiful spot, a huge lake with alot of woods around it, with a big sandy beach. I had thought the people they were going camping with would be a married couple, but to my surprise he ended up being a recently devorced man a few ears younger then my uncle.His name was Brace. I stood 5'4 in my sandles and he towered above me, I guessed him to be at least 6'4". His hair was a deep rich brown, but his eyes caught my attention first they were the color of a clear sumer sky. He was gorgous, after we sat up camp, I decided to head to the lake for a deep and to sunbathe a little. As I stepped out of the camper in my bikini, with just a beach ...

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