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A Game lost, a dream come true.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1407 words)

Author: Moi
Added: Dec 11 2002Views / Reads: 3429 / 3176 [93%]Story vote: 8.20 (5 votes)
Joe comes home from his Varsity football game to find his sisters baby-sitter, the girl he had been lusting over for some time, in an unsuspecting place, bringing on an exciting opportunity

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Joe pulled into the driveway of his parent's house once again discouraged. The Varsity team he played for had lost yet another game. It had been their fourth one this season and being his senior year in High School, he knew the scouts would be watching him.

As he removed himself from his car he noticed his parent's car was gone and another sat in its place. Joe grinned to himself when he recognized the car.

"Gina", He said to himself as he walked up to the front porch.

Gina was a 22-year-old blond that his parents had called upon to baby-sit his 5-year-old sister when they would be out for the evening. A picture of her delicate frame and size 36 breasts danced into his mind as he opened the door to the house. He peeped in and saw nothing but the living room furniture and could only hear the T.V. echoing through the room.

It was a little after eleven P.M. and he knew his sister would be in a quiet slumber, but where was Gina?

Joe tiptoed through the living room and into the kitchen, still no sign of the hot, blond, babysitter he had lusted over on many occasions.

Shrugging his shoulders, Joe went over to the fridge and saw a note ...

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