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True to life stories from Military life.this story is part of the FanClub (mm:other, 3644 words) [4/13] show all parts

Author: HuggieBear
Added: Jun 19 2000Views / Reads: 344 / 262 [76%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
These stories are true to life, and are actual depictions of situations that occurred while I was in the Military.

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This story, in the continuation of true to life stories, is for those of you who have asked that I write about a time that I was caught, or almost caught in a situation while active duty.

I had been at San Diego Balboa Hospital for some time, and had been assigned to head the Manpower Management Department. I got a call from the Commander in charge of the entire area, and was asked to come to his office. I immediately left for his office which was two very long hallways away from where I was, and knocked on his door. I heard him say, "enter", and I opened the door and went in closing it behind me. I noticed out of the peripheral vision of my right eye a person, and turned and saw a 6 foot tall African American male decked out in his Navy Blues. He looked as though he had been poured into them and his skin shone real bright like it had been oiled or something. About that same time, he stretched out his hand in greeting with the Commander stating that this is the Sailor of the Year, petty officer Rayford just fresh from Long Beach for his duty here. One of the things, the Commander said, was that when you make petty officer of the year, you had to be assigned duty at a major regional medical center and be acquainted with all aspects of it. My area, Manpower Management, was one of the most used areas in the hospital being that all personnel at one time or the other had to go through my department, if for nothing else but for their leave, (vacation time for you civies). The other area being PSD, Personnel Support Detachment which were actually separate from the hospital. Well here we are, a nice shiny African ...

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