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Cocoa Beachthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 37229 words)

Author: Hcstuds
Added: Jan 08 2003Views / Reads: 10105 / 8083 [80%]Story vote: 8.85 (13 votes)
Stud's adventures in Cocoa Beach

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I lived in Orlando but spent quite a bit of time in Cocoa Beach, so much so that I maintained an apartment there. I liked the name of the complex. It was called The Lovely Arms after a comic strip apartment complex in which Brenda Starr lived. I averaged spending a week a month there but sometimes the week would stretch into two or three weeks. The length of time was generally dictated by business but sometimes other interests kept me there.

I had a successful consulting business in the field of Organizational Behavior. A lot of my work was with companies at the Kennedy Space Center. The bad boy supervisors and managers of the various companies made me a lot of money advising on how to handle sexual harassment and hostile environment in the workplace cases. My job was not to get the bad boys off but to insulate companies from their bad boy's behaviors. They would rather pay me exorbitant amounts of money rather than get a black mark on their record from NASA or the Air Force.

Each consultation was basically the same. I would meet with senior company officials usually at NASA's headquarters building and go over the strategy of handling the case. Except for minor details to fit the particular case, the strategy is the same. My next step was to interview the people involved as well as friends of the accuser and accused, supporting casts, and possible witnesses. I would then make my report to the company and if the accusations had merit, I gave recommendations concerning disciplinary actions that should be taken ...

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