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Woman loves many men and husband approves and arrangesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 796 words)

Author: Bobbie W
Added: Jan 12 2003Views / Reads: 2597 / 2 [0%]Story vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
A woman who loves to give oral sex marries a man who loves to watch her with many other men. They both fulfill their fantasies.

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When I was growing up, I was very close to my father and loved him very much. He was kind and considerate to me and made me feel important When I was twelve, I discovered that I could look in a certain window of my parents bedroom and see them in bed. Since they left this window open, I could also hear them. I discovered that they had sex at least three times a week but it was on Saturday mornings that the sex was extra special to my father. On that day, my mother would always start by kneeling on the bed along side of my father with her rear toward his head and take him in her mouth while he caressed her breasts and fingered her. His comments made it very clear that this act was the best of the best even though they had a varied sex life including anal penetration. Watching them enjoy themselves so much made me very anxious to try sex myself. At about that time my mother gave me the "birds and the bees" talk and tried to convince me to hold off on sex until I was married. So my young impressions were that sex was terrific, men loved to be sucked on, women loved to be sucked on, and anything else two people did to one another was OK, but you should save all of this until marriage.

When I got in high school, I found I had to compromise a little by having oral sex but not vaginal sex to avoid pregnancy. It never occurred to me that women didn't do this very often to men, since I had seen my parents doing it for a long time, and I knew the great feeling it gave a man. I also had a rule that I did it to them providing they did it to me. Needless to say, I was a very popular date. I had oral ...

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