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Jill's Necessary Treatmentthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 5002 words)

Author: Devlin O'Neill
Added: Jan 19 2003Views / Reads: 842 / 695 [83%]Story vote: 7.00 (3 votes)
Jill enjoys enemas, and thinks it is blessed to give AND receive. But the men she meets talk a good time, yet never deliver, and that ties her tummy in knots. Her friend Prof. O'Neill could help, but she hates to ask. He is very busy spanking his students

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Jill's Necessary Treatment

by Devlin O'Neill and Jilliane Scott

Jill stomped her heel and glared at the computer screen. Her eyes glazed and the type frosted to a blur. She smacked the little tape recorder with her fist, and gasped when it cracked. Devlin's voice dropped an octave and then squeaked as the tape stopped.

"Oh, drat!"

She pushed and squeezed and pressed buttons, but the mini-recorder refused to utter another sound. A hot tear rolled down her cheek and she shoved the device to the other side of the desk. She picked up the phone and thumbed a speed key. A familiar message crackled in her ear. With an exasperated whimper, she shut off the phone, thought about throwing it across the room, but then sighed, turned it on again and pressed another key. She moaned when it clicked after two rings.

"Professor O'Neill."

"Um ... hi, Devlin."

"Hi, Jill. What's up?"


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