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Merry Christmasthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 4553 words)

Author: Jessica_likes_girls
Added: Jan 22 2003Views / Reads: 7708 / 6779 [88%]Story vote: 9.33 (9 votes)
Jessica and Stephanie were friends in highschool. At their graduation Jessica kissed Stephanie and got turned down. They meet 5 years later on Christmas Eve and my how time changes the people you once new. **Any and all feedback welcomed@ jessica_likes

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Merry Christmas by Jessica

It was Christmas Eve afternoon and the mall, as usual, was packed with last minute shoppers like myself. As I walked towards the west side of the mall with all my packages in tow, I kept repeating to myself "One more stop and I'm all done." I was headed to Victoria's secret to buy something sexy for myself to wear that night. My on again off again girl friend and I had planned a romantic evening, just her and me. I wanted to surprise her by wearing something sexy. Gloria was always complaining about me wearing T-shirts and jeans and plain undies all the time. Well tonight would be different; tonight I was going to be wearing the sexiest lingerie I could find in Victoria's secret.

I was walking through the door when I accidentally bumped into a lady who was as loaded down with bags as I was.

"Oh I am so sorry, I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going. I'm just trying to balance everything and walk at the same time." Came the lady's rushed apology.

I had bent down to pick up a bag that had fallen when we bumped into each other. Hearing her offer her apology something sounded familiar about her voice. I looked up into the eyes of a woman I hadn't seen in nearly 5 years. I kept my eyes locked with hers and a small smile on my face as I rose up. ...

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