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Naughty Wife's First GangBangthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2399 words)

Author: Buckminster Futt Picture in profile
Added: Jan 24 2003Views / Reads: 5975 / 4327 [72%]Story vote: 8.73 (15 votes)
I did the web site for a pro-am porn actress and her husband. They invited my wife, our housemate and myself to a party at their home. It was a wild affair and all three of us had a really good time - especially my naughty wife!

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These events occured more than five years ago. It was the first time we ever did anything like this.... it was a blast!


I did the web site for a pro-am porn actress and her husband and got invited to a big party at their home. There was always some pretty wild going-ons at their parties. Her movies always had several scenes with her being serviced by at least half a dozen guys.

Our housemate was also going to the party. The housemate, my wife and myself had all enjoyed glorious three way sex many times and we had enjoyed other couples and singles being with the three of us. This time it was something totally different. Our host had told us there would be some couples and several single guys there including some of the black porn actors. We all looked forward to the party. My wife shaved her legs and pussy till they were perfectly smooth and was trying to decide what she was gonna wear -something casual, very sexy and easy to remove. As we prepared to leave, my wife said she was looking forward to the expected activities and that she hoped she got a chance to be the center of attention at least once. The housemate and I agreed with her wholeheartedly! We both really enjoyed watching my wife being fucked and used by other guys and planned to indulge myself at this affair.


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