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Happy Birthdaythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1612 words)

Author: shirley
Added: Jan 25 2003Views / Reads: 13108 / 11709 [89%]Story vote: 8.50 (10 votes)
It is about an 18 year old girl loosing her virginity. To a friend of the family

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It was a Saturday afternoon. Mom and Dad were away at a Bar-B-Q and my brother was out doing something with his friends. I was home, alone just listening to some music when the doorbell rang. I went to the front door and I saw that it was Brent, a friend of my parents. I opened the door.

"Hi," he said, smiling.

"Hi," I replied.

"Am I early?" he asked.

"Early for what?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"For your party," he said as he entered the house.

"My party? Oh, you mean my 18th birthday party?"


"Ah, I don't know how to tell you this, but the party was last weekend."

"Oh, so I guess that mean I'm very late," he replied with a tone of embarrassment in his voice. ...

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