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A Pilgrimagethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 6123 words)

Author: Manju
Added: Feb 08 2003Views / Reads: 8488 / 5718 [67%]Story vote: 7.50 (2 votes)
A housewife goes off on sexual pilgrimage. Anal, water, urine etc. Dont say that I didnt warn ya.

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Author's Note: This is big on urination and anal sex. If that offends you, please don't read this. There are quite a few sensitive souls out there who don't approve of adultery. I don't endorse or glorify adultery. This is fiction and is written for fun. I do hope you have your fun reading it. Some of the inspiration does come from some Net friends who write to me after reading my stories. This is also based loosely on the experiences of one such friend whom I have never met. Oh, I have had many requests for first time stories. In first time stories, authors are forced to declare that all characters are over 18. Oh...she's barely 18 blah, blah, blah... This is a lot of bull and we all know it. If I do write a virgin story, it will be under-aged and so I am not writing it.

A Pilgrimage - Part I

The family left for the annual pilgrimage, early in the morning. Two brothers, their wives, children and grand parents, in one van, was a tight squeeze, but since they were family, there was a lot of cheer.

The younger daughter-in-law, Neha (22), childless yet, is seated directly in the view of the rear view mirror in back seat. The young chauffeur Anna (20) makes eye contact with the young daughter-in-law (bride) every now and then. Innocent as she looks, he is able to tell ...

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