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The Tripthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1718 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: hard_student
Added: Feb 18 2003Views / Reads: 1246 / 902 [72%]Part vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
This story is about two on-line chatters who meet after talking for two years, and the fun that they enjoy. The idea has grown so that it will need more than one chapter...enjoy.

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The Trip

"So, when are you getting in?" "Mid-afternoon, around 3pm give or take" "What time should I show up?" "I would say anytime after 5pm or so, just incase I have any problems" "You emailed me the hotel info, right? "Yeah, it should be in your mailbox now" "Ok, it is, I am looking forward to "seeing" you! :)" "Yeah, me too, really looking forward to it!" "Mmmmmm, me too! See you in two days!" "OK, ttyl!"

That was two day ago. Steve now stood in the doorway of the suite at the hotel his company was putting him up in. He was in the Midwest for three days for a business conference. He was also meeting Ellen that evening, for the first time. Steve and Ellen had actually known each other for two years, having met in some on line chat room, and had talked to each other almost every day. They were quite good friends, and had shared a lot of things with each other. They had exchanged pictures, and stories, and dreams. One day, Steve made a comment about sex without thinking, and Ellen added her own. The two of them talked about sex, and every aspect of it, and also their fantasies. Suddenly, Ellen tells Steve that she wants him and Steve in turn tells her that he has had dreams about her, and has masturbated thinking of her. They begin to trade naked pics of themselves, and their chatting becomes more and more sexually driven. The only problem was that Steve lived in California, and Ellen lived in the Midwest, so meeting was out of the question. Both of them took to masturbating during their chat ...

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