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The Needthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 1192 words)

Author: Just Tonight Picture in profile
Added: Mar 01 2003Views / Reads: 4036 / 2341 [58%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
JT has waited his whole life to meet Sherri. She needs it rough and he thinks he is just the man to give it to her.

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The Need.

The cell phone rang. It was time for Sherry. JT picked up his keys and headed for the door. Mac, he said as his hand grasped the knob, tell the boss I'll be out for the afternoon...

His car sped along, the white lines passing faster like the beat of his racing heart. He had waited a long time for Sherry. He knew what she getting and how he was going to give it to her.

He had heard of Sherri as a teen. She was a legend. He never thought he would have the opportunity he did today. He didn't know who she was. He had been smoking out back of the local titty bar hoping to meet one of the stippers when a old black man limped up and asked for a smolke. After awhile the man said "who ever you are waiting for is just a school girl compared to Sherri." A few moments later and the man had told him that he would call when Sherri was ready.

The car pulled into the parking spot outside the motel room door. JT grinned. Room 69. How ironic. He got out, walked to the rear of the car. Looked around. He was alone. Not much traffic on a weekday afternoon. He popped the trunk and put his tools into his pockets. Silently he lowered the trunk and crept up to the door.

Looking around again to make sure no one was aware of his presence, he ...

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