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A Tale Of Two Lifeguardsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 7717 words)

Author: Stormbringer
Added: Mar 15 2003Views / Reads: 12477 / 11115 [89%]Story vote: 9.43 (7 votes)
The two female lifeguards of Stony Harbor meet the new black lifeguards.

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A Tale Of Two Lifeguards An E&I Beach Story copyright 2003 by Stormbringer Stormbringer_stories@hotmail.com

Stella slowed to a steady jog, controlling her breathing as the sandy beach passed by under her bare feet. She was closing on one of the black men. There were nine black men this year which was strange as no blacks had ever tried out for lifeguard positions in Stony Harbor before and this was Stella's third year. Even stranger, all nine back men were muscular giants, more boxers or linebackers then the tall, lean basketball player build so many black men possessed. They shouldn't have been this fast with all that muscle mass, but most didn't even seem to be straining.

"Nice day for a run," said the black man she was closing on. "Name's Booker."

"Stella." The man wasn't even panting and they were closing on three miles out.

"You're returning right? I'd sure like someone to show me around town tonight."

"Sorry, have plans," said Stella slowly, still controlling her breathing.


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