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The Education Part Ithis story is part of the FanClub (bi:female domination, 1761 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Sinnamon
Added: Mar 27 2003Views / Reads: 7216 / 5873 [81%]Part vote: 8.00 (5 votes)
An arranged marriage has Jessica worried about her future, but little does she know that her new master (along with some of servants) will teach her more about herself than she ever knew.

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She argued with her father right up until the coach pulled up. The sun shone like fire over the trees, bringing the morning like a scream rather than a whisper. It seemed fitting, considering all the screaming that she had been doing for the last six months.

"I will not do this!" She growled one last time as my bags were loaded onto the wooden rack at the back of the carriage. "Why won't you listen?"

Her father reached into his pocket and pulled forth four gold pieces, two for each attendant. The men thanked him and moved quickly to open the door for me. They were both tall, handsome men. It was just such a shame that she could not chose one of them for her mate, instead of the stranger that had been chosen for her.

"I will not discuss this any further, Jessica." Her father had taken a place beside her, ready to guide her to her seat. "The Prince has paid three times the dowery we asked for your hand, and you will not embarrass your mother and I by refusing his generosity."

"But you've never even seen this man. How do you know that he will treat me decently? Is your lust for gold greater than your love for your own daughter?!"

Jessica looked up and saw her mother peering from the bedroom window. ...

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