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Jim and Lisa on the beachthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2267 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Zentile
Added: Apr 05 2003Views / Reads: 11436 / 9116 [80%]Part vote: 8.00 (8 votes)
A couple who take the opportunity of their spouses indisposition to make love

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Jim leapt off the front of the water taxi and helped Lisa down onto the sand. They wandered to their usual spot even though they had the choice of the whole of the deserted beach. Today they were alone because their spouses, Michael and Tracy, were laid up at the hotel with a hangover and sunburn respectively. After setting up the sunbeds they set about the ritual of anointing their bodies with oil to protect against the Mediterranean sun that was already feeling hot even though it was only 08.30. Jim speculated that maybe the boats that brought the majority of sun worshippers round the island from the other side didn't start arriving until 10.00 so that people would not be exposed to the sun for too long. But this thought quickly left his mind when it struck him that, in the absence of Michael, he may be asked to; "do her back" and the further realisation that she may well expose her front, which would cause Jim insurmountable control problems.

When they arrived four days a go Lisa had predictably evidenced her innate shyness and kept her top on even though Jim's wife, Tracy and the rest of the beach had gone topless. This lasted for a couple of days until she felt so much the odd one out that she joined in and felt all the better for it. An unforgettable moment for Jim was when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lisa rubbing the factor 28 on her boobs. He had fancied her for years, ever since that Christmas dinner in Abu Dhabi when she sat next to him and he couldn't fail to be impressed by her erudite conversation and evident sophistication. In fact he hadn't even noticed the fabulous body that he had since admired on many ...

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