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A Naughty Neighbourthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 2653 words)

Author: shameless_hussy
Added: Apr 13 2003Views / Reads: 8827 / 6349 [72%]Story vote: 8.38 (8 votes)
I hated my next door neighbour but he had a thing for me, see how I put him in his place AND enjoyed his best friend

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Ever since you moved next door I have known that you've been watching me. I could feel your eyes on me from behind your curtains whenever I went out of the house dressed up for a night out. Every time I sunbathed in the garden, there you would be hoping to catch a glimpse of more than I intended to show.

It wouldn't be so bad, it's just that I don't fancy you, I'm sorry but there it is. I'd rather be honest. Your friend though is another matter altogether, when he calls on you it's me that you'll find behind the curtains admiring his tight bum and dark good looks.

I never thought it would come to anything, to meet him I would have to pretend to be friendly to you and you were too weird. It had to be on my terms or not at all and in the end we both got a little bit of what we wanted didn't we?

You remember how it happened don't you? That night I forgot to bring my washing in from the clothesline. I remembered at 9pm and went out in the dark to collect it. As my eyes adjusted to the light I realized that you had beaten me to it, there you were stealing my new white panties, my favourite pair.

At least you didn't try to run I'll give you that, instead you looked sheepishly at me "I'm sorry Penny" I didn't even know that you knew my name. "I couldn't help it,, please don't call the police. I'll do ...

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