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Pregnant Momthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2773 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: May 23 2003Views / Reads: 11039 / 9769 [88%]Part vote: 9.22 (32 votes)
My husband doesn't believe in having sex while I'm pregnant. The doctors say it's okay, but he thinks it's wrong. I have to find satisfaction somewhere.

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Pregnant Mom

I was 5 months pregnant and really miserable in our house in the city from the stiffeling heat. Finally after 3 days of not being able to sleep and my 9 month old son was very uncomfortable as well, I told my husband I was going to go to our townhouse at the ocean until the heat-wave subsided. My husband is an attorney and was buried in work and hadn't been around much at all lately. He just replied "Fine, do whatever you want." as he buried his nose back in his desk full of papers.

Our relationship has been a little rocky over the last 12 months. Ever since I got pregnant with Nathan, our 9 month old son, my husband Ron lost all interest in sex throughout my pregnancy. About a month after Nathan was born was the first time Ron & I had had sex since I had become pregnant. As fate would have it, I immediately became pregnant again and Ron felt as if any sexual activity was improper and wrong, so he would ignore any sexual desires I tried to fulfill with him in the bedroom.

I arrived at the ocean at about 11:00 PM and took Nathan out of his car seat and laid him in his crib downstairs. I then went up to the Master bedroom and opened the windows to get some of the ocean breeze to air-out the place. Our townhouse is in a row of ten units that are separate buildings separated by a sidewalk and about 10'. As I opened ...

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