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Kerrie's Special Servicesthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 4369 words)

Author: mstring
Added: Jun 28 2000Views / Reads: 3756 / 3390 [90%]Story vote: 7.00 (2 votes)
Alicia is a 42 year old suburban wife. She is bored with her husband, and her life. Her friend Connie offers her a treatment at a local salon with Kerrie that will change Alicia's life.

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Kerrie's Special Service

Kerrie was a stylist at a suburban hair salon in Dallas. Her clientele was made up mostly upper middle class women, ranged between the ages of 18-50. Most of her clients were referals, who had heard of Kerrie's incredible talents, though her clients were usually tight lipped about what exactly they were. Kerrie was a beautiful 26 year old and she knew how to dress and talk to impress everyone she came into contact with . She was still single, been dating the same guy for two years, but had no intentions of marrying him. He was gorgeous and a flirt, but in Kerrie's mind he was good for only one thing. Many of Kerrie's clients had often inquired as to why she had never taken the plunge and gotten married, but she always looked at them with her seductive eyes and told them she was married to her job.

Kerrie was a beautiful woman. Not beautiful in the fake breasts, fake tan, and bleached out hair of many of the Texan woman who were her clients. She was about 5'9", weighed around 145 lbs, and had a delicious curved figure, that she always had shown off with her wardrobe. She had hazel eyes that could melt even the richest of her clients, especially the snobby, uptight country club wives and daughters who made up most of her clientele. Kerrie knew how to use her charm and her quick wit to always open the closed up personalities of any who came into her booth at the salon. She would make them feel comfortale and welcome, and if they had een given the special referal ...

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