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In the Shadowsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 1208 words)

Author: Phoebus
Added: Jun 25 2003Views / Reads: 1000 / 624 [62%]Story vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Amazing what one can see when one looks...

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The dim light had sharpened his senses. His ability to catch motion in the dark had greatly improved. He was however mostly unaware of this, as nothing had moved in his field of view for some time.

He reached for the bottle of cold beer which had rested patiently on the table. In the stifling heat, the bottle in his hand was a spot of relief in an otherwise hot and sweaty world. Raising it to his lips he sipped a small amount and teased it around his mouth and then swallowed it. He wanted to make it last.

In the darkness he perceived movement. It came from outside. The building next to his. He observed that there was someone in the apartment opposite his, but he could not make out quite who or what it was. However, it was new to him, so he was interested.

After a few moments a candle was lit and put in the window. The hand was feminine, at least that is what he thought. This further peeked his interest as he had not seen a woman in these parts in a long time.

Sitting where he was he could see into the apartment, and with out too much difficulty he could see most of the main room.

It was a woman.

She was puttering around. She had a grip on the floor and a small valise ...

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