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Kissing and touching neighbors Monica and Bartthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1833 words) [7/7] show all parts

Author: Oni
Added: Jul 16 2003Views / Reads: 1796 / 1000 [56%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is the seventh story of a series which describe a period of my life (3 years ago) in which my girlfriend and I had a few special moments with a couple of our friends. It started with a threesome with my girlfriends best friend and ended with a few s

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This is the seventh story of a series which describe a period of my life (3 years ago) in which my girlfriend and I had a few special moments with a couple of our friends. It started with a threesome with my girlfriends best friend and ended with a few swinging experiences. My English is not very good and I am not pro writer. I just wanted to share my real experiences with those who are interested in the overwhelming feelings that go paired with seeing your girlfriend/wive with another man/woman :)

Kissing and touching neighbors Monica and Bart (Saturday, Februari 9th 2002)

After Tanya and Ramon broke up we decided we would take a break with Ramon and this kind of experiences. I guess we wanted to make sure we could do without other people in our sexual relationship. But the decision was annulled after a few months! Before going to Spain we had already visited some Rave-parties together. We were used to use some party [censored] during those parties. The past year however we got a little bit sick about going to raves as the public had changed. So we changed to ‘own-House' parties where we invited a befriended couple or two and used some pot, (herbal) XTC or the alikes. We felt pretty comfortable staying home, listening to music, talking with eachother and lying on beds and sofa's caressing eachother. (this XTC (mdma) stuff makes your body extremely sensitive). One day we had invited one of our neighbors. A 33-year old man (he can't be called boy anymore! :) with whom we got ...

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