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House Guestthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1462 words)

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jul 18 2003Views / Reads: 9066 / 7278 [80%]Story vote: 7.50 (2 votes)
A surprise House Guest turns out to be quite the handful, not to mention a sexy teasing exhibitionist trying to seduce me while my wife says it's all my imagination. Could also be Adultery or Exhibitionism, please send me feedback.

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This story is completely true and is shared with you with permission of the people involved, although those people have asked for their names to be changed and I have done so. Any people, places, products, events or anything else mentioned is done so entirely without permission or endorsement and any similarities to anyone or anything in purely coincidental. Again, this really happened, and I still do not believe it, so be nice when you send me your feedback. Thanks and enjoy!

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To get right to the point, I have always kept the fact that I write and publish Erotic Stories a secret from my family, most of my friends and all of my coworkers. I do this for obvious reasons, and it is NOT from embarrassment, not in the least. It is mostly to avoid the questions and the constant "will you write a story for me" that happens as soon as someone who knows me finds out about my hobby. The other problem is that it leads to a lot of uncomfortable situations involving seduction and so on, and despite most of my stories, I really am pretty loyal to my trusting wife. All of this is what is so surprising about this whole story, what happened and how even afterwards my wife does not believe me. ...

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