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The Nanny: Alanthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:romantic, 2327 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: funwithwords
Added: Jul 26 2003Views / Reads: 599 / 378 [63%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
The story is told from Alan's point of view

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I didn't get home that night until ten to 8. I had called around 6 to check in and accidentally woke Rob. We only talked for a few minutes because Eric was still asleep and Rob had hoped to catch a few more minutes of his nap. I asked where Mark was, hoping to get him to keep an eye on Eric so Rob could sleep. Rob informed me he had kicked him and Bay out so they could go to dinner.

I had smiled, glad to hear that Bay and Mark had apparently clicked. Bay is my best friend of 15 years, and I love him more than anyone save Rob and Eric. And Mark is a kind, sensitive and gentle man. He also has an incredible amount of patience, something my stubborn friend needs in a man.

When I walked in the front door, I found Rob stretched out on the couch, our son between his legs, sitting propped up against Rob. Rob looked a bit tired, and pale, but that was nothing new. Only four weeks ago we had found out he was suffering from severe anemia and was just beginning to respond to treatment. His doctor had assured us it would get better.

When I heard the news, it took a lot not to give me a panic attack. 5 years ago they had told us Rob was suffering from anemia and it had turned out to be Acute Lymphocatic Leukemia. But this time his doctor ...

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