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Unrealtorthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 2638 words)

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jul 29 2003Views / Reads: 7649 / 6416 [84%]Story vote: 9.00 (6 votes)
A man looks at a townhouse and gets a tour no one will believe, but in the end is anything what it seems? Please share feedback and let me know if you want another part.

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This story is based on an actual experience I had very recently, and I have changed the names of everyone involved as requested, I have slightly embellished certain parts to make the whole story more erotic, but aside from that everything is exactly as it occurred, especially the scenario. Any people, places, products, events or etc. named or mentioned is done so without permission or endorsement, and if by chance someone figures out or recognizes something or someone in this story, I apologize in advance.

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As I look back now, I realize the entire situation could have been avoided if it were not for my curiosity. I did not need the townhouse, but something convinced me to write down the number as I sat at the light and looked over at the For Sale sign. I have a nice apartment that I can afford, so I really was not looking for a new place to live, and yet what I did get a quick glimpse at looked appealing. At 30, I am successful, single by choice, and in great shape, and I figured if nothing else maybe I could meet women at the HOA meeting or something. I drove away from the light and made the call to the number from the sign on my cell phone, and I was a little set back when someone just ...

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