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Forbidden 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1927 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jul 29 2003Views / Reads: 2036 / 1684 [83%]Part vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
Things get worse when Carrie congratulates my engagement and we almost get caught, but it's when April finds out that the real trouble begins, and Monica told her! Please keep the feedback coming.

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As previously stated, no names have been changed and all events are described exactly as I detail them for you. Yes, regardless if you believe it or not, everything you read in the previous parts, as well as the contents of this part is all TRUE. I appreciate all the feedback, even the negative, but feel free to leave out the pointless, derogatory remarks. Any people, places, products, events or anything else specifically mentioned or described are done so entirely without endorsement or permission of any kind. I look forward to your thoughts and feedback, but keep in mind that all of this really happened to me, including any ‘bad', ‘strange' or ‘unusual' things.

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Quick recap for you, Kevin and I are roommates and good friends; he has an absolutely gorgeous girlfriend named April who looks like a Victoria's Secret model or a Playboy Playmate, and my girlfriend Monica is also very good looking, and while she may not be complete perfection walking, she is damn close. Kevin had to go out of town suddenly and asked me to watch his little brother and sister over the weekend, the same time that April had to stay over due to her apartment being renovated. By the way, I have a complete crush on April that had gone ...

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