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"But I'm Not..."this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3414 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Aug 11 2003Views / Reads: 3548 / 3156 [89%]Part vote: 8.58 (12 votes)
A man mistaken for a Hospital Employee gives a hot woman a sponge bath, but the ending might surprise you. Some seduction and exposure, some teasing and sex, be sure to send me your feedback.

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All names have been changed to protect those involved including the NFL and the Hospital this unlikely event took place at. I do not advocate impersonating a professional of any type whether it be a Nurse, Doctor, Firefighter or Law Enforcement Officer, but with that said I still feel I should share this story with you. By the way, please overlook the whole "Post 9/11" world we live in and ignore the fact that no one asked to see any Hospital ID. Any people, places, products, events or, Cities, Teams or physical locations mentioned or referred to are done so without permission or endorsement. Enjoy the story and be sure to send feedback.

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There is no complicated, completely unbelievable or convoluted explanation to this story, and in fact the whole thing was just a complete mistake and misunderstanding. I was at the hospital after a mysterious liquid was splashed onto me at work, and my company requires a complete emergency room visit and exam after any mysterious liquids or substances are come into contact with. The doctor was pretty sure that it was a mildly abrasive, and somewhat smelly cleaning fluid, but he bagged up my clothing and had a nurse take it away for testing just ...

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