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Summer campthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 3645 words)

Author: Mustangjohn
Added: Jul 03 2000Views / Reads: 5289 / 4202 [79%]Story vote: 8.33 (6 votes)
A story of mistaken identity

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Summer camp

This is my story of an unusual situation that occurred one year when I went to summer camp. I was 18 :) and had been bugging my mom about going to summer camp with the youth group that I had been attending. She decided to let me go and signed me up. As it turned out only a few of the kids from the group ended up going and they were younger then me and I really didn't know them. I decided to make the best of it and boarded the bus for the long ride there.

I have always been a tomboy and found that I got along better with the guys then girls. I also didn't go for all the usual girl fashions and was more comfortable in my tee shirt and cut off jeans. The fun began when we got to the camp, as we got off the bus they took our names and assigned us to a hut. Well, with my name being Sammy, a nickname for Samantha, I guess they didn't realize I was a girl. My hair was cut short for the summer and I was wearing a baseball cap. With the way I was dressed, and the fact that I had just barely started getting my breasts, they had assigned me to a boys hut. Nobody realized that I was a girl! I was going to say something but then thought, what the hell, I'll see how long it takes them to figure it out.

As I picked out a bunk in the back, the fun was already starting. While I was putting my stuff away a few of the boys ran into the hut saying something about going for a swim and started to strip off their ...

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