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The Shudder Bug Club - Rebootthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 7415 words)

Author: Dan
Added: Aug 21 2003Views / Reads: 4379 / 3595 [82%]Story vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
Melissa is an unappreciated wife and mother. After battling her personal demons, she discovers a new lease on life and an outlet for her wildest sexual fantasies. Her first meeting of the Shudder Bug Club awaits her!

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As the wife of a wealthy developer and real estate genius, Melissa had means. Since marrying Ted nearly 20 years earlier, she had never lacked for material things. Clothes, cars, jewelry, shopping trips, cruises and spas were all commonplace to Melissa. Frankly Ted's wealth was what initially attracted Melissa to him in the first place -- and what kept her faithful to him the first 19 years thereafter.

After two children and a late-term miscarriage, Melissa not only put on a lot of mid-life weight, but she gradually became more and more depressed. She went from a former prom queen and slender size four on her wedding night to a size 20/22 by age 40.

Ted had insisted that their two sons attend an elite boarding school on the east coast as soon as they entered high school. Save holidays and summer breaks, Melissa rarely saw her kids, and it seemed as if she saw Ted even less.

When occasion did find the two of them in the same room, Ted usually wasted little time in reminding Melissa of how much weight she had gained. His adventurous real estate trips often lasted weeks, and she had often found strange lipstick on his shirts, strange phone numbers in his dresser drawers and even once found a pair of black silk panties -- size four -- tucked into a pocket in his suitcase. ...

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