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Thank Goodnessthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2352 words) [7/7] show all parts

Author: driver99
Added: Aug 25 2003Views / Reads: 3592 / 2740 [76%]Part vote: 8.00 (6 votes)
Laura continues her sexual adventures with the young black men

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Thank Goodness 7

After her night of sexual bliss with the three young black boys, Laura began the day very early. She cleaned the house eliminating any potential evidence of visitors to the house. Sheets were all washed. She made sure that her new clothes and playthings were hidden from the potentially prying eyes of her husband.

She dressed conservatively but made sure that her underwear was quite sexy. She hoped that her husband would be home by the time she returned home. She also thought that he would want some sex. After all, he had been gone for almost a week. She was convinced that he would be extremely horny and thought about the possibility that he could be enticed into repeating some of the fantasies about her. Only a couple of weeks ago while in the throes of passion he had told her about his desire to watch her fuck other men.

She worked hard all day long and for the first time this week was able to do so without real fear or guilt about her affair. Scott had promised her that no one else knew and she was sure that there was no way any evidence existed of her dalliance with the boys. She only felt good about her ability to experience real sexual satisfaction. When she saw Scott during her last class, her desire heightened but her good sense overcame the reaction of her body. Thank goodness, she thought.


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