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Greg and Ithis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 6597 words)

Author: SeekingLover
Added: Sep 02 2003Views / Reads: 2997 / 2634 [88%]Story vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
Greg was a security guard at the factory where I worked. One evening we went drinking a beer together and from there events turned to the unexpected...

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It was late in the afternoon, and I was on my way to my last late shift at work. I always hated working in the evening, but when I'd applied for a job in this company, only jobs on the late shift were available. As soon as I got the chance, I applied for a transfer to the day shift. And the following Monday, I'd start early.

The evening went slowly ahead. I worked at an assembly line, assembling different parts for automobile engines. Even though I'd only had the job for 4 months, I almost could assemble the parts in my sleep. It didn't bother me that the work was the same thing over and over again about 500 times in one shift. Just as long as it was well paid. And the wager for this job was actually quite good. It didn't take a lot of effort in terms of brain activity, so I also had a lot of energy in store for my spare time interests and hobbies.

After the shift was over, I took a shower and prepared to go home. On my way out the door, Greg, our evening security guard, asked if I'd like to join him for a beer, since this was our last shift together. Some of the other guys were standing next to me and they all soon joined Greg, and before I knew it, we were on our way to find the nearest bar.

It was Friday and the streets were full of young people on their way into town either to drink or to dance. We just chose the first bar we saw and went in there. Inside we found a table and sat down and ordered what seemed to me to be a truckload of beer. I actually don't like ...

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