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Nightclub GangBangthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1478 words)

Author: japlover
Added: Sep 04 2003Views / Reads: 6667 / 4783 [72%]Story vote: 7.78 (9 votes)
Wife gets drunk and is Gang Banged on Dancefloor.

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Miyako and I have been married for nearly ten years now but 4 years ago something happened that changed our sex life. We had been going out regulary to night clubs as my wife loves dancing and I like watching her dance. I'm not much of a dancer but on this occassion I was dancing for a while untill I wanted another drink. I signaled that I was going for a drink and left the dance floor, leaving my wife dancing by herself, not that she would be alone for long. Miyako was dressed in a one piece, black, cotton knit, hugging mini-skirt that was madefrom 2 pieces of material held together by silver 2 inch rings down both sides. This dress only just covered her arse and did not really allow for underwear. She was 6 inch black heals with ankle straps which made her already proportionally long legs look like they ended at her tits. These clubing sessions usually last till about 3 am and although my wife looks 20 she was actually 34, so she used to pop half an E to keep her going all night. That and tequilla would always make for an interesting evening. Tonight she was drinking margaritas. Anyway getting back to the story, after collecting my drink at the top of the two stairs that lead to the sunken dance floor. Miyako was dancing with a group of young men that looked like uni-students. They were all jostling each other to be th person closest to her. After about half an hour she must have been thirsty and left the dance floor and went the bar via the toilet. On arriving at the bar she was immediately surronded by the same guys she had been dancing with, offering to buy her drinks, which she acepted. For the next half a hour I could only get glimpses of her, as she was surrounded buy these guys, but when I ...

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