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Girlfriend's Best Friend Leads To More Troublethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3521 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: TechnicallySick Picture in profile
Added: Oct 14 2003Views / Reads: 6236 / 5532 [89%]Part vote: 9.08 (13 votes)
Just got done with my girlfriend's best friend as my girlfriend arrives at home. What did I choose to do?

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This story is the second piece to a whirlwind affair that I was a participant of. It probably would be beneficial to read the previous story.

As I ran out of the spare bedroom, I couldn't believe what had just happened. I hadn't had time to put back on any of my clothes and within seconds, my girlfriend would be coming into our bedroom. My mind was literally a mess. I had just had amazing sex, I mean mind blowing sex, with our house guest, Liz. Liz just so happened to be the best friend of my girlfriend, Janet. I could have sworn that Liz was wasted when I had picked her up from the bar and driven her home to our house. That still didn't explain why I had allowed myself to get an amazing blowjob from Liz. Then, through my own stupidity, I had given into to Liz and her desires. I let my anger get the best of me when I realized, that by getting the blowjob, I had entered a dangerous situation. I really did just want to get out of the entire situation and that is why I chose to fuck Liz. I didn't even for one second think about what could happen as a consequence for screwing her, all I thought about was solving the situation. Boy, was I totally wrong.

I reached our bedroom and was trying to get my boxers back on, although it was difficult with a still hard cock. "Focus you dumbass," I hollered at myself in my mind. I had to regroup before Janet reached our bedroom. The garage door was closing and the door to the house opened up. I was able to get my boxers over my dick, but I couldn't ...

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