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Clairethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2815 words)

Author: jwdoney
Added: Oct 16 2003Views / Reads: 5507 / 4625 [84%]Story vote: 8.54 (13 votes)
I have an awesome encounter with a babe while visiting my wife's relatives, but just try to think about cake after reading this story! This story is true, but feel free to share your feedback.

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This story took place nearly a year ago, but I'm pretty sure you will still enjoy it. Please be kind when sharing feedback, because this is my first attempt to share an encounter that is less about ‘tease' and more about passion. Any people, places, products, events or anything else specifically mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement, and names have been changed as requested.

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It is no secret to my readers that I am married, have two children and always seem to get into unbelievable situations, usually with my neighbors who all look like supermodels, happen to be single and some how are interested in me. That is erotica for you, but in real life, most of my neighbors are men or families and that I know of no one in my building wants to sleep with me. That's a good thing considering my neighbors, but I won't go there. I have written a couple of stories where my wife's sister, or friend or someone else comes over, one thing leads to another and then I have an erotic story to share. This story has nothing to do with anything I have previously written, and as far as I know this is one of my few truly unplanned situations. I am writing this afterwards, so as far as I know, no details have been ...

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