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My Affair With Aprilthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1144 words)

Author: Dnsc
Added: Jul 10 2000Views / Reads: 1283 / 1 [0%]Story vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
A true story about a co-worker and I that grew closer than expected (and fast)

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I'll refer to her as April (to protect her real namesake)

April and I work for the same company and I would see her quite often. She is about 5'3 with long brown hair and awesome brown eyes that would just about melt anything that comes in contact with them. April is an extremely petite young woman (who is, by the way 18 years old) - her body is absolutley perfect (nice round ass, well defined curves in all the right places, nicely tanned all over, etc, etc, etc)

Anyway, we had known each other through work for about a year and had always been really friendly with each other, when one day she had broken up with her boyfriend and came to me (at work) to "have a shoulder to cry on". She said to me that she feels like men dont like her and that she doesnt feel like she'll ever get to feel like a real woman passionatley, and I said to her "sure you will". Then in my "trying to cheer her up mode", I said to her "If I wasnt married, I'd love to be with you and make you feel every part of passion" - what she said next came as a big suprise, she said "What's stopping you?" and I said "your joking right?" - she replied "I am being more serious than I have ever been". So with that we decided to go for it and see what happens. I told her that my wife was going to be at her job all day on the next Saturday and she cut me off and siad "I'll be there whenever you want me to" - so we set a time and that was that.

Ok, Saturday rolled around and my wife left for work at about 11am and ...

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