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Show -n- Tellthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 1533 words) [1/6] show all parts

Author: Hungry4BigD
Added: Nov 21 2003Views / Reads: 1829 / 1496 [82%]Part vote: 9.25 (4 votes)
A recount of an actual event that happened to a friend of mine. When his kindergarten class show-n-tell, brings more than he bargained for.

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This story is not a work of fiction, it actually happened, but isn't a personal experience. It's a long story, and will require 4 or 5 chapters to be written, but please be patient, it is worth it.

Chapter 1

Charlie is a good looking guy, 26 years old, short, well kept, black hair, and works out 4 times a week at the local gym. His body was showing the results of his efforts, with his broad shoulders, bulging biceps, thick chest, and washboard abs. Charlie had a thin waist, and a bubble butt, that he had been told looked great in jeans or slacks.

He had gone to college, and gotten his elementary education degree, and finally landed himself a job teaching a kindergarten class, in 1999. He was every single mother's dream, when they brought their kids into the school each day, and he had caught quite a few of them staring at him, as he moved about the room, getting ready for that day's class. He was a very masculine man, but Charlie wasn't interested in the single moms...but a few of the fathers had peeked his interest.

Charlie had been teaching his kindergarten class for 3 years, and had Show-n-Tell for the kids every Wednesday. Most of the kids brought in their pets, and sometimes they would bring in their favorite toy. ...

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