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How Stocks helped to Save Athis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 2400 words)

Author: Thumper6948
Added: Nov 25 2003Views / Reads: 1406 / 932 [66%]Story vote: 7.67 (6 votes)
A stock built for two get used for something un-expected!

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\ri5760\f0\fs24 11/15/2003 #45 The STOCKS helped their Marriage\par \pard\par During a recent woodworking project, I came accross some plans for several old wooden items. \par Some were plans for 12th century stocks used for punishing guilty citizens who were convicted \par of breaking local laws. They also included racks that were used to stretch, and torture people into\par admitting their crimes. This got me thinking about all the possiblities of using stocks to put my \par girlfriend into my total control. I always figured a perverted mind is a terrible thing to waste!!\par \par I used the computer to help design my toys, and made some minor adjustments to the stock by adding a \par padded torso table that is adjustable, to allow for height adjustments.\par \par I decided to make the stock to accommodate two victims at a time. This would make it possible to \par put two victims in it at once, which would make it very popular at parties. \par \par To prevent movement of the feet I added foot slots with leather ties that prevented movement, and padded the holes with foam that was leather covered, to protect the ankles.\par \par I used a 4 X 4 framework so it was good and sturdy, and foam padded the holes and covered them with a vinyl leather like product used for car seats.\par \par I Found that by adding a table to lay the body weight on it would allow the person in the stock to be alot more comfortable. So, with the stomach laying on this bench, and the head through the holes with a basement floor jack under the table (this allows the adjustment of the angle and height of the victims rear ...

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