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Mrs. Steelthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 33116 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Nov 26 2003Views / Reads: 9890 / 8097 [82%]Story vote: 9.70 (23 votes)
A young man's venture into erotisism

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Mrs. Steel

By: Thesandman

During my last year of High School my father had taken on a new job that required we move. I wasn't any too happy about it, wanting to finish out my senior year with friends and activities that I was involved with. But there was no way around it, and I reluctantly remained with my family as we moved several hundred miles away to our new home and a new way of life.

Though our family had "moved-up" as they say, those first few weeks into summer before the start of the new school year were very trying for me. I didn't know anyone, nor had I really met anyone at that time to pal around with or do things with. Worse, I was having difficulty finding a job (that I liked) in order to save some money towards the car I'd been hoping to finally get that summer.

Two doors down from where we lived, there was a spacious home sitting on three acres of the most beautiful greenery, lawn and flowerbeds. I noticed however that it didn't seem to be in the best of shape, far from what it could be anyway. As I enjoyed gardening, working outside more than anything else, and in desperate need of some money, I decided to inquire with the owner of the home to see if there was any work for me there. ...

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