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a weekend away...this story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 3689 words)

Author: bigpapasmerf
Added: Dec 05 2003Views / Reads: 4455 / 3101 [70%]Story vote: 6.67 (3 votes)
me and my buddies went away for a camping trip one week and you'll never believe how much good fresh air and the outdoors can really do for you

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this story is 100% true only names have been changed to protect peoples privacy

when i was 18 i went on a week long canoe trip with my scout group there were the 3 older scouts we were in our last year so we got put into the group with the venturers next group up only that 5 out of the 6 of them coulden't make it so it was me my buddies "Chris", "Ben" and "tyler" his dad was the leader so he had to come we spent the days paddeling with the others on the river ( the trip was at algonquin provincial park where we were doing a round trip)but at night,,,,,,,, we could camp where ever we wanted to and it was usually on the other side of the river which was about 1/2-1 kilometer wide so we would never be disturbed by the younger children the first day after dinner tyler suggessted all go for a swim all agreed and ben chris and i headed off 2 get our swimsuits "where are u going" asked tyler to get our bathing suits" we told him "all at once" he asked 'well' i said' we'll take turns in the tent' mark laughed you don't need bathing suits "well i don't wanna get my clothes wet' 'well duh" said tyler do u know what skinney dipping means?? oh no i thought,u see at that time i knew that i liked girls i tried to impress them by not trying to look like a dork in front of them and i knew that i wanted to have sex with my girlfriend but at the same time i always got hard around naked men and i didn't know why i wanted girls but there were times that i wanted boys just as badly if not more the other guys where up for it i didn't say anything slowly they rounded on me one by one "well why the fuck ...

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