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We are not alonethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 9489 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Dec 11 2003Views / Reads: 1391 / 1214 [87%]Story vote: 9.64 (11 votes)
Kevins dreams of becoming an astronaut are shattered early on in his life. Then one day he makes a discovery that will change his life forever, and prove...we are not alone.

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We are not alone

By: Thesandman

Kevin James loved looking at the stars. Ever since he was a young boy he had dreamed of flying to the moon one day, and beyond. It was not to be however. Contracting polio as a young child, his left hand was partially deformed. Even if he'd had the money to attend college, which he hadn't, his hand would have kept him from ever realizing his dream.

The closest Kevin would ever come to traveling through space would be through his eyes, and his imagination. In high school he'd joined the Astronomy Club. He could name nearly every constellation in the night sky. Spending hour after hour at his telescope, he would fantasize, wonder...and dream.

Unable to further his education, Kevin had with the help of a friend, secured a good job with the Forestry Service. It would be as close as he would ever come to the stars, but just being atop some of the highest mountains gave him a sense of inner peace and belonging.

Kevin often volunteered for the most remote assignments, taking "fire-watches" in the hardest to reach areas. For weeks on end, Kevin would sit atop some tower overlooking a mountainous range, ever ...

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